Defense & Aerospace

Delivering Excellence for Defence & Aerospace

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the Defence & Aerospace sectors demand solutions that prioritize precision, resilience, and innovation. Whether it’s enhancing mission readiness or driving aerospace advancements, we deliver tailored solutions to meet your most stringent requirements.For all phases of product development, design, and placement, Tekiknow  offers comprehensive tailoring antenna, Radar Cross Section (RCS) and EMC testing technologies.

Defense & Aerospace

MIL-STD-461 Military Testing

MIL-STD-461 is an EMC testing standard that evaluates the features of electronic, electrical, and electromechanical equipment & subsystems belonging to the Department of Defense. The primary purpose of a MIL-STD-461 test chamber is to evaluate the electromagnetic emissions and susceptibility of military equipment. This ensures that devices can withstand the harsh electromagnetic environments they may encounter during operation. Compliance with these standards is essential for military readiness and operational effectiveness Our Anechoic Chambers offer a controlled environment for accurate and reliable testing.

Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement

Antenna radiation pattern measurement is a fundamental process used to evaluate the performance characteristics of antennas. This testing determines how antennas radiate electromagnetic energy in various directions, which is crucial for applications in telecommunications, broadcasting, and other wireless communication systems. It involves evaluating the antenna's performance characteristics, such as gain, directivity,beamwidth, and sidelobe levels, to ensure it meets the design and operational requirements. Our Anechoic Chambers offer a controlled environment for accurate and reliable testing.

RCS Measurement

Radar Cross Section (RCS) measurement is a process evaluate how effectively an object reflects radar signals back to a radar receiver. This measurement is essential for assessing the detectability of various objects, including aircraft, vehicles, and other targets in military and civilian applications. The purpose of RCS Testing is to asses the Stealth Technology Radar Performance and Signature Management Our Anechoic Chambers offer a controlled environment for accurate and reliable testing.

EMP Room

EMP rooms are constructed to shield sensitive electronic equipment from the potentially devastating effects of high-intensity electromagnetic fields. It ensures that critical systems can function effectively in the event of an EMP attack or natural occurrence, such as a solar flare. This testing is crucial for military, aerospace, and critical infrastructure applications. It helps verify compliance with military and industry standards, such as MIL- STD-461, which governs electromagnetic compatibility. Our Anechoic Chambers offer a controlled environment for accurate and reliable testing.