NF Scanners for Circuit Optimization

Join us as we redefine circuit design and optimization with NF Scanners, empowering industries through advanced EMC analysis, efficient troubleshooting, and innovative electronic testing solutions.

Introduction to Near-Field Scanners

Near-field scanner helps to design electronic circuits by evaluating behavior and detecting emission problems. EMI can negatively affect system performance when the operating region of a device deviates from the defined standards or conditions. Based on innovative measurement, analysis, and post-processing methods, Nexio has designed its near-field scanners to assist in the design of electronic circuits by measuring their EMC characteristics.

Efficient Problem Diagnosis

Identifying the root cause of a problem is 80% of the solution. By using a near-field scanner, you can diagnose the majority of your issues.Adopting near-field scanning technology can significantly enhance your ability to troubleshoot andefficiently resolve intricate technical issues.

Benefits of Pre-Qualification

Pre-qualification helps shorten the overall qualification process by identifying issues early, reducing investigation time, and lowering correction costs. It detects and pinpoints risks and problem sources efficiently.

Real-Time EMC Performance Analysis

By controlling product performance and tracking its evolution, you can analyze EMC performance in realtime. This aids in understanding electromagnetic phenomena and assessing the impact of shielding,filters, and other protective measures.

Key Features of Near-Field Scanners
  • Control Measurement Equipment

    Control measurement equipment via communication (Ethernet, GPIB, USB, RS232, etc.)

  • Real-Time Analysis

    Real-time analysis of measurement results

  • 3D Visualization

    Graphical and 3D visualization of results  via NFS viewer

  • Automated Vector Measurements

    Automate vector measurements, enabling a direct link with EMC simulation tools on the market.

Advantages of Near-Field Scanning

Reduced Testing Time

Reduces Qualification test days and investigation time.

Product Performance Analysis

Analyses product performance and modifications.

Ensured Quality

Ensures product quality

Easy Accessibility

Accessible to all, no EMC knowledge required.

Localized Disturbance Detection

Locates areas of disturbance thanks to 3D visualization.

Fast Measurements

Carries out measurements quickly, compared with conventional EMC measurement equipment.

Compliance to Specifications

Apply constraints to board specifications & radiated emissions.

Customer Benefits